Fire Safety

Gas Grills Prohibited in Multi-Family Building of Three-Units-or More
An edict from the Lake Delton Fire Marshall

In 2006 there was a terrible fire at Lighthouse Cove, across the lake. It started with a propane grill – and as the fire raged, exploding propane tanks on other grills contributed to the blaze. In no time, an entire multi-family building was reduced to ashes.

January 2007, the fire marshall visited Island Pointe and informed the Board that gas grills are prohibited in any multi-family building of three-units-or rrnore. Electric grills are allowed. While gas grills weren’t banned from single family units or two-unit multi-family buildings, this edict may eventually spread. The Lake Delton fire marshall intends to enforce this policy – and each time an owner is caught, he will issue fines of up to $200 for each offense.

NO use of CHARCOAL GRILLS is allowed anywhere on Island Pointe property.


Much Of The Association Grounds Are Covered With A Blanket Of Pine Needles Representing A Potentially Significant Fire Risk

Fireworks Prohibited– Wisconsin State Law

Despite fireworks being against Wisconsin State law and the laws of the Island Pointe Association, there have been incidents in previous years. Despite repeated warnings to the offending parties, those incidents have continued.

The Association takes a zero-tolerance approach. If fireworks of any kind are observed in use, anywhere on the Island Pointe grounds or in neighboring areas, the police will be notified immediately. No warnings will be issued.


Smoking Is A Fire Risk
Limited To Designated Areas Only

Smoking is forbidden at Island Pointe except in designated areas. These are the club house deck, parking lots and units that are designated smoking units. If individuals are observed smoking anywhere else around the grounds, it will be reported to the board or Lake Pointe Management if renters.